Explore the World, its countries & its cultures
As a TV reporter and producer, I have been traveling around the world for the last 15 years, looking for the most scenic places and stories that are worth sharing. I traveled to Asia, Europe and the Americas and visited most countries in Latin America dozens of times, to produce documentaries and TV reports on archaeology, markets, nature, art, and history. I started Passport the World to not only inspire people to travel the world, but also motivate to understand more about a country and culture.

Audience Demographics
The Passport the World reader is between 25-55 years old, with a strong interest in scenic and cultural travel. Has a job and likes to go on an (adventurous) holiday once or twice a year, because is curious and interested in discovering the world. Appreciates a cosmopolitan lifestyle but loves being in nature and explore. Likes comfort and design but will also choose back to basic (local) experiences. Appreciates boutique style travel. Travels responsible, where sustainability and well-being play an important role. Mediakit is available on request: contact@passporttheworld.com

Audience Demographics
The Passport the World reader is between 25-55 years old, with a strong interest in scenic and cultural travel. Has a job and likes to go on an (adventurous) holiday once or twice a year, because is curious and interested in discovering the world. Appreciates a cosmopolitan lifestyle but loves being in nature and explore. Likes comfort and design but will also choose back to basic (local) experiences. Appreciates boutique style travel. Travels responsible, where sustainability and well-being play an important role. Mediakit is available on request: contact@passporttheworld.com